Monday, September 23, 2013

Femme Fatale: Creative Princess

She’s beautiful in every sense of the word but her playfulness and imaginative spirit is what captivates you.  Every moment with her feels like an adventure that you wish you could relive over and over again.  Even when you’re feeling down she always manages to cheer you up and put a smile on your face.  Her head may always be in the clouds but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 


  1. Hi Jeffrey! My name is Belen, I have 19 years and live in Argentina. I saw your work on the Disney Princesses and found a spectacular work. I wanted to let you know that I am very fan of the Japanese series Sailor Moon and I would love to do the characters in the style of your work on the princesses. 'd Make me very happy if you took into account my suggestion. Thank you for your attention. ;)

  2. Hi Jeffrey! My name is Belen, I have 19 years and live in Argentina. I saw your work on the Disney Princesses and found a spectacular work. I wanted to let you know that I am very fan of the Japanese series Sailor Moon and I would love to do the characters in the style of your work on the princesses. 'd Make me very happy if you took into account my suggestion. Thank you for your attention. ;)

  3. Actually, I agree with Belen--I too would LOVE to see Sailor Moon in your style!
    If you take internet requests, that is!

  4. Jeffrey, is there any way I can contact you, ex: email? I'm working on a Youtube Parody show, entitled "American Horror Story: Disney", and I would love it if you could create some concept art for the show? Thanks!

  5. Hey Jeff been following your work! I like your vision!
    In addition to seeing sailor moon, my husband was just telling me about Guardian Princesses. Have you heard about them? They seemed cool and we were interested in your thoughts.
    Its here :


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